
By Angelique


It was very sunny today as I left the back office where I work and walked into the sunlight. As I approached my car I realised that the House Martiins were diving and skimming across the surface of the large pond. I can't get very near the pond because of all the long damp weeds so the photos are never that clear but I tried nevertheless to catch a blip.

It was then I spotted this small dragonfly (or damsell fly), hiding amongst the weeds. It was only about 2 inches long and very well camorflaged. (spelling is probably incorrect{getting very tired})!! My main problem wa focusing on where it actually was amongst the weeds and I realise it is not as sharp as the blips taken by others.

After getting home to see Phoebe, I then had to head back into Taunton to do the food shop. Oh I lead a very exciting life.

Thank you for all the comments yesterday and the encouragement I received. I know I shouldn't be so selfish.

Hope your day has been a happy one, that the sun has warmed you, so sleep well and thankyou for being in my life.

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