
Sitting on a leaf of the copper beech sapling I spied this speckled bush cricket. The copper beech has been a sapling for years because it doesn't like us!

It didn't move away as you would expect it to so I was happy to take a few shots of it today.

Sitting on the computer tonight typing away there was this awful crash came from the kitchen. From where I was sitting I could only see black bits on the floor and running in saw my new lens on the floor, the soft cover on the floor, the lens hood in bits and a few other items on the tiles. Nothing had been near it all day. Nothing had moved. We just stood there in astonishment!! Near to tears I picked it up and put it on the camera and it still seems to work while the lens hood is going to have to be glued together. I still fail to understand what happened: there was nothing overhanging the counter top, we don't now have a cat to climb up there and it hadn't been touched all day! So very weird! A story that doesn't seem to stand up somehow! :(

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