Giz a kiss

Updating the next morning

It rained or threatened rain pretty much all day. This grasshopper had taken refuge on the underside of Tess's flipflop the night before, and wasn't keen to go anywhere. I suppose it was a bit cruel of me to turn it over and expose it to the elements. A bit more light would have been nice. I only like my photos when it's sunny (sweeping generalisation there!)

We've not really been used to days of all day rain this summer, and being indoors made me feel a bit down. I had weeks of The School Holiday Effect all around me and it wasn't pretty. I felt totally ashamed of the dirty, smelly mess, and after turning a few circles, decided that it was time for A List. I managed to get Joel and Tess onboard to help with dog-walking, dishwasher emptying and clutter-pick-upping. After cleaning the kitchen and the dining room and filling the kitchen plugholes with Ecover washing powder (it works, you know!), emptying and washing the food/compost and other bins, and getting a clean, clear, light-reflecting dining table (ah), there was still a nasty pong. It turns out the house wasn't the site of the stink at all - it was coming from the garage.
Richard came home from work at 3 and found me up to my neck in piles of clean, unsorted washing (I always wait until it reaches chaotic proportions) so he mucked in and found the source of the stink in the garage bin.
AT 5pm, it had stopped raining, so Richard took Tess for a surf and I cleared out one of the veg beds and planted my second lot of winter potatoes. It's a job I always think will take me 20 minutes but seems to take an hour. I get enormous satisfaction from a rectangle of cleared earth these days. It's more satisfying than a vacuumed carpet - which just gets covered in dog hair within minutes - gardening is a much more productive job.

I made a 2-way thai green curry in the evening: a prawn version and a veggie version.
Then I drank far too much wine. I'm not sure what happened. Maybe I felt I deserved it! ;)
And at a few minutes to midnight, and slightly squiffy, I wrote this on my new blipfoto: The Drip <-- Interesting to look back the next day and see what sober Rachel thinks of squiffy Rachel's writing... ;)

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