Moove closer

These are some of the nosey cows now occupying the first field up the hill from our house.

I was having a chat with Tess a couple of days ago and we decided that humans have interpreted animal noises quite badly (in English, anyway) Cows don't in fact say "Moo", just as sheep don't say "Baa".

Cows really make a noise that's somewhere between a U and and O and don't bother with consonants.

The French have sussed out the noise a sheep makes - it's definitely more of a "Meh-eh".

We're a bit lazy in the UK about learning other languages.

Today Tess and I made croissants.

Mais oui!

Auf Wiedersehen!

una insalata mista* (<-- I said that to an Italian waiter and he was very impressed)

*a mixed salad

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