
By lemonzest


Ml first exercised the horse in the morning. He enjoyed his photo being taken and performed for the camera. I have plenty of shots of him in the big tent.

Next we went to Tarnowskie Góry. A fantastic old city with plenty of history. The city centre is being renovated with a splendid town hall and other old buildings round the square and the town in general. Annually there is a three day celebration of the arrival of Sobieski III with hussars on horseback.

A local tradition for men is to gather in their sheds in the courtyards. I liked this door in particular.

Next we visited the mineshaft Ewa and took a guided 'cruise' on a metal boat along the alit to the next shaft of the old silver mine. Obviously it was dark but I managed a few shots down the tunnel. There was a 30m staircase down and 20m back up at the other end. We walked back to a grill restaurant through the old beech forest which was the park around a castle. We were just starting the plums with bacon when M arrived from his meeting.

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