Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

This is me on drugs

I had to go see my doctor today and Mom thought it would help if she gave me a sedative before I went since I tend to get a little squirmy and upset with Dr. Cornelia. She’s a nice lady but she does things that hurt sometimes, so I get nervous when I go. Anyway, Mom gave me this pill before we went and I started to feel really funny and I was wobbly. Boy, was Mom surprised when it had the opposite effect on me! Instead of calming me down, it made me even more hyper! I was a really naughty girl in the office and I wouldn't do anything Mom said. She had to hold me really really tight to get me to calm down.

I won’t go into detail about why I had to go in today, but it involves my bum. It happens a lot and I’m in a lot of pain, which makes my moms really sad and worried. So now I have to take some medicines and – guess what!! – I have to sit on the heating pad, which I love! At least Mom doesn't have to put that stuff into my owie this time – nobody likes that, and I run and hide from her!

I still feel good enough to play with Moose and go on scoots! But right now I’m very sleepy, I think the sedative is finally working, ha ha! So I think I’ll go take a long nap. Bye!

Liza Jane

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