
...Of the cookbooks.

Aaaaaaaaagh. I think I'll have to make a promise to myself that I'm not going to write about this project again until it's submitted and has been approved by the regulating bodies. At this rate, I'm expecting that to be Febrary. Which is a shame, because the Operator is hoping to start work at the start of January! I'm joking, of course... We'll get it out soon. It's just not going to be easy.

I worked as late as I could and still manage to get to the cinema to see the not-really-new-any-more Bond film, and had the pleasure of arriving home to M having cooked dinner for me (not easy, as I'm on Weightwatchers at the moment and everything has to be weighed and measured out). After tea, we walked to the cinema for 2 hours of guilty pleasure - and it was, too. I really enjoyed it. The baddie was brilliant! It helps that I love the Skyfall song by Adele, too.

After the film, both M and I crashed out in bed - I didn't think I was tired until I became horizontal... And then it was like a weight on my forehead, pushing me into the pillow and closing my eyes. It's a good feeling, going to be completely shattered.

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