
A kind of bitty day today. M and I woke up quite early (for a Saturday) and he began to pack for his trip to Oklahoma. I made us our favourite breakfast of pancakes, bacon and maple syrup, which we demolished before going to pick up the car from where we'd left it last night. When we got back to the house, M chopped up some logs and kindling for me (I've not got my axe-wielding skills honed yet, and every time I try to lay the fire I run the risk of taking one of my limbs off).

His taxi arrived all too soon and he was off to America, so I decided to go out to town and do a bit of Christmas shopping before I headed over to A and S' house for tea. I picked up a few things but still haven't managed to get M's present... I know what I want but I've not found it yet.

The first real snow of this winter began to fall as I made my way back home, which always makes me smile. I heard that two of the Scottish ski centres had opened this week and I can't wait to get up there. After nipping back home to pick up a change of clothes and some ingredients for dinner, I caught the bus out to Banchory to see A and S and make some dinner for them. Baby F is doing well but seems very clingy at the moment, not really wanting to be away from his Mum or Dad. He's learning new sounds each time I see him - his favourite at the moment is "Da-da-da-da-da-da-nnnnnnnnh!", it almost sounds like "Daddy" until the last syllable.

S was out for the evening at a party so A decorated their Christmas tree while I watched. She's built up a lovely set of decorations over the years of which I'm quite envious. Tea was yummy (Jamie Oliver veggie burgers) and later we watched a bit of TV before I had to bail and head to bed. M should have been arriving in Chicago at about 12.30am, then catching another flight - followed by a drive - to Oklahoma. He'll finally be at his hotel by 7.00am-ish (my time - about 1am his time). Hopefully I'll get to speak to him before he finally heads to his bed.

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