Summer Days

I had the worst night's sleep last night that I've had in ages. Miss L was in my bed and she wriggled and snored and moaned and kicked and tossed and turned pretty much all night.
And then her nappy leaked at 6.30am. Marvelous!
The day took a massively upward turn after that. My mum brought Miss E back and we headed over to Mrs W's for the day.
Miss T is in Miss E's class at school and her sister - also Miss T - was in Miss L's class last year but sadly not next year as her birthday is early September.
The girls all had a fab time, playing from the moment we got there to the moment we left - at 6pm!
Mrs W is very lovely and I left with lots of school uniform, a gluten free cookbook, a box of French beans picked by the girls in the garden this afternoon and emergency food for the Little Misses in the car.
Lunch was delicious. And gluten free too which I always so appreciate.
What a wonderful day!
And no shouting from me for a second day!! I wasn't too tested until they were faffing at home refusing to get their jim-jams on and brush their teeth. But we got there with no raised voices.
It's so much better!!

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