
It was the day of the big Boat Race today. The three competitors made final adjustments all morning, tweaking and testing, then we waited for the tide. It didn't seem to go right out and then when it turned it was very high tonight. I walked into the village to buy some daft little Welsh prizes...I took my job as judge very seriously...and then late morning the conditions seemed perfect.

I walked round to the little jetty and the boats were released from the beach just over the garden wall. The first to reach the jetty was the winner. Rachel's boat was...Chilled (from the name on the plastic bag sail). Tom's boat was...The Holy Crab. Josh's boat was...Chilled and Holy Crab Obliterator. There were two races and I scored in different categories. The fastest boat overall was Josh's, but everyone won prizes for other skills.

It was a great chilled day but the weather was a bit cloudy. It was my last chance for a dip in the sea so I went down to the jetty and jumped off. Josh and Tom joined me. We took plenty of action shots and built up an appetite. A quick shower, a visit to the chippy and then we sat on harbour in the dying golden sun and ate fish and chips.

On our return to the house we had the judging of the photo competition. It has been great taking pics together all week and the standard was very high. Tom was the champion...Josh and Rach were in joint second place and I came fourth. I must try harder ha ha ha.

Home tomorrow. It has been a fantastic week.

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