The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Tales Of The Unexpected

My garden looks quite lovely when the shafts of sunlight shine through the trees.

It's also very neat. My dad cut my grass and did some weeding this week. He's amazing.

The sunshine and warmth have been an unexpected surprise for me. The temperature dropped over the weekend and I thought we'd made a quick transition into Autumn!

But, alas - I was wrong - And the unexpectedness of this change has brought many pleasantries!

A very innocent and unexpected question was asked to me during a business meeting today.

It caused my thought process to accelerate rapidly in order to generate some options.

In roughly six seconds, I had three potential responses!

1. Answer the question honestly and fully and in the course of that, reveal some very personal things about myself

2. Skirt around the question and then play around with the answer

3. Avoid answering

I opted for number one. It was difficult, but it was right.

What do you do when you find yourself 'on the spot?'

How quickly can you weigh up your options?

Is the easy way always the right way?

The garden of our lives is where we cultivate our values.

It's where we plant, water and grow the strength we need to support us in crucial times.

And, It's where we nurture those things that are important to us.

Tomorrow, if you're able - challenge yourself to try wearing more of the inside on the outside.

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