The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Square September morning

Mist hung over Stroud's golden valley when I got up at 7.15. It was still there at 8.15, but I hung out the window of CS's study and tried to get a shot that wasn't pure white.

This is for Square September, the challenge started by Ambling Camera

In other news, the students came back to school today and the first day was fairly fraught! I went in early to get the hang of being back, because normally I start quite late (10.30 am). Then I left a bit later than usual, once I'd managed to get everything put away. I miss the volunteers already; they are not back yet.

I am glad to say that the scrap scavengers, or 'scrappies' who cruise the streets in vans looking for discarded metal, came and took the old bath I left out a few days ago! I really did not want it there when my massage clients arrived. It also saved a trip to the tip, because I'd had no takers on the freecycle-type websites.

Steve is still away in Dorset, and I am tired after returning to school, followed by seeing two massage clients. Bomble is sitting beside me on the sofa, but I know that as soon as I move, he'll leap up and run after me, just in case there's food....

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