Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Oh, Blip me, Blip me!!

Some days you don't have a choice - you have to go with the flow, or in this case, the warbler. I've had what I believe is a first-year prairie warbler (certain about the species, not the age) in the yard for several weeks now. I'm guessing young because he seems to have to fear of me. This morning I glanced out the window and he was in the butterfly garden, at noon I stepped out to have lunch, there he was again. And late in the afternoon, I took my camera out for awhile and ... there he was in the flower bed right next to the house.

If there was ever an argument in favor of NOT using pesticides in the garden, this would be it. Warblers are right up there with hummingbirds to me - maybe because we only have them for a relatively short period each summer. Or maybe because they are just so darned cute. Or maybe because they eat so many bugs and larvae.

Butterflies seen in the garden today: tattered Great Spangled Fritillary, fresh Black Swallowtail, silver spotted skipper, worn zabulon skipper, cabbage whites and a very ragged Giant Swallowtail. Birds in the yard: Prairie warbler, 4 hummingbirds, downy wps, hairy wp, red-bellied wp, blue jays, chickadees, titmice, white breasted nuthatches, cardinals and mourning doves.

Six other shots posted on Flickr, starting HERE

Excitement for the day: when a big green katydid flew right at me, hit my chest with a thunk, and then clung to my shirt for dear life. Two years ago, I can't be certain either of us would have survived the encounter. Now... I gently flicked him off without a single shriek. Progress!

Two days until I leave ... woohoo! And, no, I haven't started packing. Can't rush it. Plenty of time Friday.

Continued apologies for my sporadic comments - time seems to get away from me.


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