Last of the Sage

Such a hectic day at work as I'm off tomorrow AND Monday - yipeeeee. T and I are off to Cambs. for an extended weekend. We stay in a lovely village pub not too far away from Duxford (the same one we stayed in this time last year when T had that big Birthday with a 7 in front of an 0; I prepared a masterpiece in the shape of a This is your Life e-book and arranged a family party for him) It was a major feat of organisation but well worth it - however, this year I'm somewhat relieved that its only T and I and T's very dear friend of many years from Essex staying at the pub for a couple of nights and taking in the Air Show at Duxford on Saturday (I have absolutely no organising to do!!) Sunday we travel into deepest Essex to catch up with more of T's family and then home late on Sunday night. I know that wi-fi is unreliable at the pub so may have to say au revoir for a little while - but I'll catch up when I can.

I 'm really looking forward to the weekend but wish I felt better - on anti-biotics now and hope I don 't cough all night and keep the other residents at the pub awake - Its so annoying when people do that!!

My herb garden is looking pretty tired at the moment and this is the very last Sage flower on show.

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