This bamboo tree was loaded with an amazing collection of bumblebees and honey bees, wasps and hornets – and maybe more! It was in the flowering stage and was absolutely beautiful with clusters of tiny white flowers that obviously attract all kinds of bees, etc. This shot of 3 bumblebees won my blip choice for today to show the 'crowd' gathered there, (you can also see a wasp in the upper left corner), but shots of wasps and a honey bee are also on Flickr.

I had never heard of bamboo trees growing in northern Michigan until I saw proof today. I’d thought they were found usually in warm climates, and mainly in Asia. After a bit of research I find that bamboo grows in a wide range of climates from cold mountains to hot tropical regions, and Wikipedia even mentioned some growing in the Great Lakes region (Michigan). BTW, bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on earth. If conditions are right, it can be quite invasive.

I’m back home from my mini-vacation after a wonderful time up north. While visiting her home, my daughter convinced me that Lightroom was the photo editing program I must have, so now I’ll be trying to learn how to use that. Wish me luck!

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