Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


I don't tend to make effort often with myself because frankly I don't have the time or care to do so. I am sat on my bed after being at Bex's for a couple of days, second night sheerly because of the weather.

I'm hungry but I don't want to eat and put on weight. Need more supressants woo!

College on Monday. Quite excited just because I get to see my sexy tutor and some of my lovely friends who've joined, but mainly, to get started, so I can get finished, and I can go somewhere in my life.

I also like lunch, chinese food is my vice.

But yeah this is me. I miss my Prudhoe friends but I can see Charli and Jess soon enough.

Hate it when enemies make friends with your friends.

Oh well, ay? Time ticks by, and i'm going to go and eat some grapes, t'ra.


Jibba Jabba on the 23rd with my tiniest. That'll be nice.

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