West Coaster

By WestCoaster

The River at Work

I had hoped the forecast would be correct and today would be a better day, sadly it was not to be the showers very heavy and very frequent. The twins were at coaching this morning, both skating well but both needing to work on certain elements.

Dad's spin is currently being de-constructed, it was never strong but after the hand injury the confidence for that element seems to have gone, strange as I wasn't spinning when it happened. We ventured home, the twins discussing the merits of dad's efforts, its hard being critiqued by the 8 year olds but speaks volumes for their more adept skills.

I returned to Greenock this afternoon, I had new skates to collect for Megan, she has really stretched in the summer months, as drove I could see the Arklow Fame making way down the river, I raced to the splash in the hope of getting a usable shot, she is a dry cargo carried and was leaving the river on a voyage to Seville. As I parked I saw the pilot cutter peel out into the channel the greet her charge and here we see the cutter getting ready to swing round to starboard to put a pilot aboard.

It is nice to see the river still supporting trade and to see her working,I hope you enjoy the shot

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