This, That And the Other

By Kersting

Church anyone?

That's right I said church... this morning we had church out at the muster. Josh and I volunteered to work all day so we were at the information booth this morning for about 3hrs. Church was at 10am so it was right in the middle of my shift at the information booth but lucky for me we were slow and I was able to get a ride up the hill to the house to snag just a few photo's. With this being one of them.

After our first shift we were able to meet up with Josh's mom to grab so lunch and make a quick stop at the house to grab a few things.

2 o'clock was our second shift and this time we were sent out to the parking lot to help out with the buses and all the people. Not as much fun as being on the farm where all the action from the muster was happening.

After our second shift we met back up with the rest of the group on the farm to help with tare down. which is were I got me super awesome injury. Long story short pulling 2 trash cans down the side walks on the back of a gator was not a good idea. It just so happened that I had to make a choice either to save the trash can and kill my leg or to save me and pick up trash... I picked save the trash and kill my leg so the back side of my left leg is all cut up but it will heal.

Started chilly and looked like rain but turned out to be hot and sunny.

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