Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Trip to Grandma and Grandad's

Rafi had his first school session today since the new term began. he stayed in the room and was well behaved by all accounts, just not very cooperative. He declined to leave after his lesson had finished which was a little awkward, but the other students just had to move to another room. He missed his physio session as he had to stay in the loo for about an hour ( good tactics Rafi!!)
Some good things about the day were that Rafi has fed himself most of his meals, he managed to do his own zip up and he did some great supported walking to and from the car to his grandparents house.
Daniel worked his magic again and persuaded Rafi to have a bath and clean his teeth this evening ( for some reason he's been not wanting to do these things for a few days)
We are having another go tomorrow to see if we can persuade Rafi to get into the hydro pool, I'll be sooooo pleased if we can. Fingers crossed!

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