
By SomethingAwful

The Real Reason I Came to America

Horrible picture, I know, but you get the point.

After some chores I dragged Adam to a great little big Irish pub called Jacob Wirth's, with the friendliest waitress I've met and an incredible, traditional American menu. They brought us a bread basket with corn bread, I don't think I've had that since I visited Seattle when I was twelve! It was incredible. I love corn bread so much. Instant happiness!

Got a Budweiser on tap (King of Beers...), and took some photos (terrible ones, but for me to remember) of the pub's interior - a ring around the wall of dozens of taps from all sorts of beers; flags; tv screens showing the current baseball match; alcohol-related, Germany-related and Ireland-related paraphernalia surrounding the diners... Left feeling stuffed, but loved it! (Not sure if I can say the same for Adam...)

We wandered into town for a walk and sat down near Faneuil Hall where a man was playing some amazing music. Georgia on My Mind, Pennies from Heaven, bit of Billy Joel... he looked like one of the Hanson brothers but sang like Louis Armstrong, playing along on his electronic keyboard. Such talent! Wish I could've listened to him play all night. And that I'd bought him that hot dog.

Later in the evening we found another cute, quaint kind of Irish pub down our road and stayed for half a pub quiz. Or 'trivia' as they call it here!
Much-needed chat with B, in the evening.

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