
Blustery is an understatement for the crazy weather we have experienced over the past 24 hours.

Rae and I went to Adoration in town last night (about 30 minutes' drive away). Before we went, we discussed the wind, wondering if we should go or not. Then the wind all but disappeared. No dramas, we thought, the forecast winds were done and dusted.


By the time we were half way through Adoration, the door was being buffeted with scary gale force winds and we could barely hear ourselves think.

Br N had to shield me from the wind, as I kept blowing away. Rae was magnificent in her driving skills, getting us home safe and sound. We had to abort several routes due to rather large trees being felled across them. Eventually, just as I was wondering if we were going to have to detour via B's house until we could work out how to get around the debris, we found a route that relatively fallen tree-free. Rae zigzagged around tarpaulin, trees and other bits and bobs as we made our way along the motorway. With no lights, street or traffic, it was a little disorienting.

We didn't get a lot of sleep; I kept hearing things blowing around the garden (the wheelbarrow, heavy wooden garden chairs, the rubbish bin, etc) and was imagining the roof flapping around.

In the light of day (and a warm and sunny morning), we saw that we had been very lucky. There is no damage (that I can see). Not so for many.

I think of DC, who is an insurance assessor. Poor guy is going to be busy for a while after this storm.

This morning was warm and pleasant. Then some rain. Then more wind. Then more sun. Then more wind. Right now, there is a breeze, but no rain.

We had a reduced roll at school today, with many parents keeping their children at home. One student regaled us of her adventures with her father; the cows broke free and wandered into their garden, where three decided to have their calves. One of them needed some assistance. She was full of beans, despite very little sleep, but reckoned that she'd probably crash once she got home tonight. A primary class, using the library for silent reading, fell asleep in the sunshine. They were left to sleep by their teacher, as they were scared and exhausted, apparently. I wasn't as kind; my kids had to work, work and work.

I can't wait to crawl into bed tonight!


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