More fish in Sharks Bay

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The morning was spent waiting around (frustrating) but eventually five of us managed to get a minibus to Sharks Bay. In the four hours we were there I spent about 2.5hrs under water. There is just so much beautiful coral and so many fish to see. Two of us were even given a personal guided tour by a member of staff for free. He took us further round the bay and pointed out various fish. We saw a huge tuna fish, which gave us a shock as it swam close by.

The lady who organised both these trips leaves tomorrow unfortunately, but I am working on another two couples who may be interested in going and sharing the taxi. Having been to sharks bay I have cancelled my second VIP cruise and got a refund as I’ve actually seen more in the bay! Tomorrow was therefore going to be free but I have just agreed to join another couple on an excursion in the afternoon, could be interesting!

Mum – Happy Birthday for tomorrow! Thinking of you. xx

Big Adventure Day 102 – Sharks Bay
Photos 139/11,911

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