Urban Jungle

There was no confusion about the meeting place this morning for a rendezvous with a cycling friend to catch up on news.

But first of all I had to brave lagoons infested with crocodiles and pathways crowded with native tribes, few if any, smiling a greeting and no Tarzan in the shape of His Lordship to protect me.

Fortunately, I managed to remain unscathed and found my friend waiting for me under the appointed tree. This was lucky as she confessed later that she had left her tomtom at home and would not have been able to communicate with me had I taken the wrong pathway.

Virgin Money certainly have come up trumps with a cosy suite of rooms in central Edinburgh, free coffee, newspapers, computers and IPads for investors and their guests to use, as they sit in some comfort.

It may be worthwhile my investing some pocket money with them in order to relax safely, a stone's throw from the crocs.

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