A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

The Duckies at Hexham

What a fun & rewarding weekend we've had, but unfortunately normality beckons.

We made a quick petrol pit stop on our journey South, swinging by the River Tyne that runs through the market town of Hexham. Pictured is, you guessed it, Hexham Bridge in all its finery. A badling (new word) of ducks came racing towards us with a sweet, fluffy duckling leading the way. They quickly lost their interest in us however when they realised that our delicious travel snacks, Allendale scotch eggs, were safely housed in the car. They then busied themselves for a while, before an Alsatian with a stick scared them into the water, where I then took aim.. with my camera that is! I mean our feathers friends no harm.. that would just be quackers! (Tiredness is kicking in here!)

We stopped off at lunch in Seacroft, Leeds, to visit some of my family there - the wonderful Marlene, who treated us to a slap up fish & chips at Marlows, a favourite restaurant of hers. Scrumptious it was & really set us up for the remaining leg of our trek home. Tea, bread & butter, mushy peas - all the trimmings - a real northern treat! It was great to see her & catch up, & she's doing so well & very much looking forward to her holiday in Cyprus in a few weeks time. Lucky thing!

A colourful sunset saw us into the South, & then after we bundled through the door & sat down for a blip or two, bed was calling.

Time to rest our achy but triumphant leggies once more.

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