horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Trammel v. Deprive of Freedom of Action

Damned busy two days.

Saturday: Farmers Market; view a Triumph Spitfire (very nice, but but but...); shopping trip that bought shirt and tie from my favourite shirt and tie place; new cycling shoes (basically the 2009 version of the 2007 ones that have started to die); new waterproof cycling jacket (have you seen the weather forecast for this week?); framing a print I bought Mel from the West End Craft Fair; buying and fitting a new toilet seat (ooh the glamour); 'surprise' 40th for StevieFish; dinner out at E:S:I (sadly booked before the party invite, so we had to make excuses earlier than planned - and must apologise to SJ for not having the chance to say goodbye properly!).

Sunday: Okay, so a lazy-ish morning, but then complete clean out of the chicken house and run; extend roof on chicken run to give a better water run-off; install new perch in the run; put everything back into the run and lay down new hemcore; change both tyres on the Kaff (breaking another tyre lever!); install cleats on the new cycling shoes (annoyingly the sole sticks out a bit more so engagement isn't as clean as on the old pair - a stanley knife may be put to use); clean car inside and out; tidy up stuff in bedroom ready for work tomorrow; aaaaaaaaaand relax. Beer has been deployed.

If you don't know what the point of the word definition is above you may have noticed that it links to the image produced, and the last few blips will explain all.

So a number between 1 and 166, and another between 1 and 5, for Monday's image please!

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