Heading Home

It was up and pack before giving the cottage a bit of a spruce up and heading off for the ferry this morning.

So many pictures still crying out to be taken - but we had a ferry to catch.

So it was farewell to the beaches.

We had to wait until somebody arrived at the ferry terminal to book us in.
Despite all the activity in the harbour it was actually very peaceful - maybe helped by the nice light bouncing about the small boats.

After booking in we walked up to our favourite café – the First Fruits Tearoom – for a full breakfast before the ferry left.

The guys were just as friendly and fun as the other twice we have been in and even gave us free calendars. It started off as just 2 because they thought Jeb was Mrs Mac’s daughter. That caused a few laughs from us and some confusion and embarrassment from them. Even more when they then couldn’t work out what the dynamic between the 3 of us was and thought we were taking the mickey when we said that we were just friends. (More laughter from us).
Needless to say they got a good tip when we left – which was more than deserved….especially considering their exceptionally good prices, quality and quantity. If you are ever in Tarbert on Harris, go a see them (Just up the hill from the Hebrides hotel which overlooks the ferry terminal). Tell them ‘The Venison Hunters’ sent you – they will know who you mean.

The drive back home was a mixed bag …………. Good weather and some dire weather (rain clouds at ground level with almost zero visibility through Glen Coe and across Rannoch Moor for a start) – good driving (from us of course) and some dire driving (a couple doing 70+mph overtaking and left bends in that rain and others doing 30mph – or less – round every corner and then flooring it on the exit so that overtaking was almost impossible …… especially the guy in the V8 MG.

So from leaving the cottage to getting home …………… 11 hours.

Night night!

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