
Well it was off to Newcastle today and as I waited to proceed after being stopped I snapped this shot as the sun was rising on a glorious day it certainly gave me a feel good factor for most of the day and the only downside was getting the drain rods out and taking the plate off the down pipe to clear a blockage as some had seeped into the garden from a drain I share with a neighbour I think she uses moist wipes that don't breakdown very quickly and the keek always comes up and underneath the deck so it was not pleasant to say the least so as I say it was the only downer for today, sorry I just posted todays and yesterdays at the same time but as I said to my other neighbour two doors up who was holding her nose because of the blockage Shit Happens lol anyway movie for the day is "Shit Year 2010" sorry I couldn't resist that one lol

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