
By KirstyHalbert


M and I slept badly last night - the cabin is lovely and cosy but a bit too warm at night! It's not a bad complaint to have. When we got up I made us some boiled eggs and we ate outside again. I will never, ever get bored of that view. M and I just had a nice relaxing morning as A and L were driving up to visit today. I had a long shower then baked a plum and amaretto cake (with no scales, as is the usual for me in Norway)!

A and L got a bit lost on their way up, so M and I had time to pop out to the supermarket to pick up some bits and pieces before they arrived. There was no need - they came lade with delicious food, two bottles of sparkley wine, lots of beer and a 'Gratulerer' card for M and I. Baby A was obviously feeling much better and was into EVERYTHING in the cabin - it was a whole new world for him to play in. After a BBQ for lunch, the boys and I went fishing for a wee while at the spot M caught his cod on the first day. M caught a really tropical-looking red gurnard which was more of a coral pink than red, and A caught a mackerel that had that beautiful iridescent shine on its belly. I caught nothing!! No fisk for me this holiday :o(

When we got in, Baby A was still running around like a human pinball, so we all had a few drinks until he was tired enough to go to bed, then demolished the delicious lamb M and I had put in to slow-cook at lunchtime. A and L had brought up a game of Aberdeen-themed monopoly, so we opened a bottle of the sparkley wine and some chocolates, and played until bedtime. I was so close to winning, but L pipped me in the end. So glad A and L could make it up for a wee visit and share this lovely cabin with us.

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