An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Brightening a Dull Day...

Big Bright

Far too cold, wet and miserable to spend any time outside today so a quick nip into the garden to collect a fallen leaf then back into the warm kitchen to spend a happy 5 mins with the camera before getting organised for later activities.

Got Marion and Eddie coming round at 4.30 with their line manager Rachel, for a catch up meeting to give us all the chance to discuss how they are getting on as Alan's carers find out if they are happy with things.

As well as that a Health and Safely Consultant called Greg is coming later to risk assess the use of Alan's equipment including hoist and shower chair, and give Marion and Eddie additional training on using the equipment. Alan will need to be involved in the training and he will not be chuffed as after his dinner all he wants to do is chill out and watch telly.

I suspect all of that will take a few hours so I have made a massive pot of chilli for us all to dig into with rice, sour cream, guacamole and pitta bread. That should keep us all happy.

Apologies for my severe lack of commenting and thank you to my lovely blip pals who keep commenting despite my lack of engagement at the mo. I'm always full of good intentions but life keeps getting in the way. Last night David was out so I had Alan to organise and GBBO was on so blip time was severely curtailed. Sadly tonight's not going to be much better but I promise I will catch up properly as soon as I can.

Hump Day peeps....the weekend is on its way :)) xx

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