The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma


It was fairly dark when I left the office this evening.

There were a couple of things that needed my attention and I felt quite satisfied and proud of myself once they were ticked off the list.

My own personal leadership journey started around 13 years ago and I remember feeling compelled by an almost incessant drive to 'do' more and more.

I was rubbish at managing my priorities which meant that everything became one!

I worked late all the time.

I'd drop in to the office on a weekend to bring my paperwork up to date.

My head was constantly filled with things that needed done.

If you've ever sat on a see-saw with a five year old, you'll have an idea what my work life balance was like!

I've worked on my time management capability a lot since then and have benefited from the provision of some great tools and techniques which I utilise every day.

It's mostly daylight when I leave the office these days!

But, there were some other things that drove my 'need' for busy-ness and I'm feeling quite transparent this evening so I'll tell ya!

I wanted to be seen to be working extra hard.

If my commitment to the cause was noticed, then maybe I'd get a little extra, personal acknowledgement.

Vain glory? Maybe.

A need to feel valued? Absolutely.

Sometimes my sense of worth - perhaps even my sense of identity - got so wrapped up in what I did that I lost sight of who I was.

Our truest value as human beings is found in who we are. Always.

Without a doubt, there are things we do which can add a lot of value - but let's be diligent in ensuring we get our stuff in the right order.

What might be tipping your see-saw?

Ssh....Don't tell anyone it got so personal tonight....

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