The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Input = Output

Maths was never a strong point of mine during my school years.

Formula, equations and algebra even less so.

Have you ever had any great need of the latter?

There is one equation that I always aim to make the norm in my life and that's the following:


Simple but powerful.

We all have lives that involve a degree of output.

Lives that demand of our time, our energy and our focus.

What's key in maintaining and sustaining us is ensuring we have suitable input.

Just as wood is piled on a fire to fuel the flames and petrol put in our tanks to make our vehicles go - so input is required in our lives to restore balance.

Input can take many forms.

It might me emotional or spiritual.

Some of us need social input to get us back on our feet.

I've been in output mode for several weeks now and definitely probably haven't stopped much for input.

I finished work earlier today and don't need to return for 10 days.

I suppose we seldom notice until we start to slow down and unwind, just what kind of pace we've been trying to keep!

Tonight, there was input.

Much needed input.

I already feel some balance returning.

It might take a few days though...

What are your inputs?

Do you know what your source is?

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