A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Tonight was the bimonthly meeting of our advanced motorists group (CAMIAM).  It was also the 3rd time we'd run a training session for newcomers.  It was pleasing to get a good turnout because for most of those present this is really just a refresher.  That said, their presence added to the Q&A discussion part of the evening.

On this occasion the training was done by Bob, one of our 'senior' (higher level qualification) observers.  Previously, others had done it, myself included.  We find it helps to have different presenters as one person's description may 'gel' for a trainee when another's doesn't.

"IPSGA" is the acronym for the system of of driving we use:

Information (gathering and giving)
Speed, then, and only then,

Suspect this is my first non-family person-blip!

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