When I downloaded today’s pictures, I was so surprised to see the fairly clear wings & tail feathers in an action shot of a nuthatch landing on the feeder. I’ve had so many pictures of birds in flight that were just a big blur - exactly like the nuthatch in the lower left that is just diving off the feeder! Figured I may never get this close again, so I just had to use this for today’s blip. (My Flickr posting shows the nuthatch feather pattern.) You can also see Mrs. Cardinal has taken her place in the back as ‘feeder matron’ to oversee all the action. The bird dynamics or interplay has been very interesting!

I fully intended to blip a squirrel today. I even sprinkled a few peanuts on the back step in hopes one would come along. My plan worked, but just as I was taking his picture, he heard a noise, dropped the peanut and held a ‘karate chop’ pose just long enough for a shot. (The ‘Kung Foo Kid’ is on Flickr too.)

Have a great weekend everyone!

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