Striding Out

I went out for a meal in Leeds last night with some work friends and colleagues. It was a very stimulating evening. I became so engrossed in conversation that I almost missed the last train back to Ilkley. I had no time or energy to journal anything after getting home but I really wanted to post that shot and share it with you as soon as I could. It never ceases to amaze how often I appear to be in the right spot at the right time. That cavernous space is in a derelict building right next to the one in which I work. I happened to find the huge sliding door open after it been cleared out of a lot of rubbish. The boat was the only single thing left. I couldn't resist a little photographic investigation and I had just finished taking pictures when these two guys arrived. I couldn't believe my luck!

Time has been very short recently, and, like yesterday, there's not been much opportunity to look for a blip, yet every day something does seem to pop up, although it's often been just the one shot, which at least takes away the problem of having to choose. I've had something in my head which describes how I feel about this but it's proving hard to articulate - at least not without sounding a bit silly. It's almost like an image has already been reserved for me each day and the challenge is to find it. Trusting that the shot is somewhere to be found is what gets me out looking in the first place. There are days when I'm sure I wouldn't bother if it wasn't for that trust. It's not so much a belief in magic but a belief in the richness of the world we live in. There is ordinary magic going on all around us. The world is an extraordinary place.

I've had lots of jobs to catch up with today, which have gone rather slowly - possibly the result of too much wine last night. I went for a run on the moor but found I had no bounce at all. This wonderful fellow, looking kind of out of time, was walking almost as quickly as I was running!

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