Problem Solved...

I wouldn't say I'm the world's best problem solver, far from it, but I do like a good problem and it kinda inwardly annoys me when presented with a problem, that should be within grasp.

Today, I just about hit that problem when I was asked to take a look at a signal booster thing by wee wee brother. We'd just about given up on it and tested all possible scenarios when I noticed something in the instructions that might have been significant. Turned out to work and wee wee brother and family are now basking in 5 bars of 3G boosted signal at their house.

It was an equally rewarding visit to the west side of the country because we got to chat to this wee felly (my new nephew) and we solved the mystery of the missing Pulp Fiction Special Edition##.

##About a month ago I had the inclination to watch this, one of my favourite films, and I remembered when I couldn't find it that I'd lent it out to someone. I didn't however, remember to whom I'd lent it which was perplexing in itself because I usually remember things like that rather well. Turned out wee wee brother was the recipient.

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