Tessa's Turn

Today it was time to take Tessa to the doctor/vet. She had to have her first check up and make sure all was well. It was she did great. We go back in three weeks for her Lyme shot. I have so much wildlife in my yard that I cannot take any chances with tick borne illnesses.
We finished up with the vet, I took her out in the waiting area to pay up and she decides to take a huge dump in the middle of the waiting area. They were very nice about it and said it happens all the time but I have had two other dogs, each one living 15+ years and it never happened to ME! As if writing out the check isn’t painful enough, my eyes were watering from the aroma in the place thanks to Tessa!
I took this shot of her in her ‘playpen’ this morning. She likes to bite on the zipper on the top of it. It has a mesh lid that can zip to the top if you want it and since I didn’t use it, she thinks the zipper is like some sort of reward!
Tessa is passed out sleeping now and I’m right behind her. I need a sleep in day….badly! Oh wait, I have a puppy…that is not happening.

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