Say Cheese!

Today has been a good day :-)

First stop was the hospital, where I got the all clear yay. My consultant gave me the option to be discharged or to book back in for a 6 month check up; I chose the latter as I can't stand the hassle that goes with a GP referral (should I need to be seen again). I managed 2 full years after my last discharge so fingers crossed I get another good run.

Next stop was home to meet the carpet fitter who has done a great job with the new floor coverings. A new carpet in the spare bedroom and vinyl flooring (which looks like wood laminate) in the newly renovated utility room.

Mr A & I have similar tastes so even though I chose the carpet & vinyl, he likes them too; more so now they have been laid (good job really).
He also has a sixth sense when it comes to my needs, he arrived home tonight with cheese & biscuits which I also looked at in Asda but never bought.

Finally, after the carpet fitter left, I blitzed the house and am finally happy that normality and cleanliness has been restored.

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