A Skatepark Success Story...

There have been rumours about a skatepark getting built in Burntisland in Fife for a few years now. The first real news I started to hear was when the council had almost finalised designs with some kids in the town and one of the local skaters was resigned to not being able to change what was bound to turn out as another council 'ticking of box' skate facility.

Luckily, a certain Mr Young got involved and it has been transformed into a professionally built notable skate landmark for this country. It has turned from something that would have been really bad waste of money and time into a true investment in the future of skating and young people for the area. I can imagine some rippers coming out of this wee village in the next couple of years.

It's not completely aesthetically finished yet and is ridden with new skate park kid swarms but this didn't stop Mr Baillie here giving the it it a good shralping with a tidy backside tailslide as the sun went down.


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