
By Houseonahill6

Mr Blue Sky

We woke early to catch the sunrise. Although the sun rose out of our sight the tops of the mountains turned a gorgeous orange and the sky all shades of pink.
After a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit, porridge and Local Hadock and a poached egg washed down with lashings of tea we started our journey home through the Torridon Mountains.
The sky was a clear, bright blue and we stopped at Torridon to walk part of the path to Coire Dubh, Big Black Corrie.The walking was easy and the views between the mountains stunning. A few hill walkers marched on by and commented on the beautiful day.
Several people were working hard on the other side of the track mending the pathway ,all volunteers from The National Trust.
We are now home, the sun is setting and the birds are still at the feeders. Thank you everyone for your comments while I've been away. I shall try and catch up with you all soon :)

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