From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

OK, maybe I will.....

Believe, that is...

Nothing to report today so this is a real quickie to get me back on track as I'd been going off the rails and running a bit behind my Blip timetable.

I spoke to mom earlier. It was her birthday on Friday while I was in London but since dad passed away there is no point even sending a card. Her sister, my auntie Noreen was there for a few days in Ayr anyway and they had a nice few days of non-stop Irish chatter. Apparently, they stopped talking for half an hour to watch Citizen Khan, a Brummie Muslim version of Father Ted which is the only way I can think to describe it.

I was only on the phone ten minutes but my ears fell off with exhaustion afterwards! Mom is always up to full speed talking like a runaway train when she has been in the company of her sister. She might have slowed down a little by the time I get up there in a fortnight for a week.

Off to the Dog and Doublet for cheese and broccoli bake with jacket spud was the next thing. It had stopped raining a little after dinner so I popped outside to take a canal side picture. The green spoke to me.

Track? Here's a bit of Planty today. Maybe this will be the week when I will stop being so miserable and start to be a little optimistic. OK, here goes - I Believe

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