Bohuntin Hill

I was really tired and cheesed off trying to stem the flow of spam to my email program last night. I was up till two in the morning plugging the holes that was letting it in then my Outlook pst file exceeded the 2gb limit which breaks it so that had to be repaired at the expense of losing some possibly valid messages. Part of the problenm is that I administer two web sites which have integrated Wordpress blogs. They are a great idea in theory but attract a lot of rubbish in spite of having catchpas installed. You know these things where you need to type in the box, the contorted word you see written at the bottom, before you can proceed. I have read that cheap labour is used in other places to manually spam these hurdles in an attempt to plant rogue links to dodgy sites on your blog. My makeshift cure was to effectively block all comments and associated notifications. A fellow blipper has pointed me in the direction of a better fix but it all takes time.

Wordpress; possibly worthy of blip discussion on another day.

Anyway, I was able to sell another walk to Mrs Cakes, though to be fair she has done this wee walk -Bohuntin Hill-previously. The main observation was that it was steeper than she recalled. It was a beautiful breezy morning and we had fine views from the top. Caley, needless to say, had his well travelled ball with him and in the course of his multiple retrievals probably did the ascent a dozen times. A walk like this makes him very happy.

This is a group shot with the camera on the timer. I was sure that Caley had sat nicely long enough for the camera to have clicked and I simply launched the ball unaware that the shot was just getting taken then. He is therefore a bit motion blurred though curiously the ball is sharp.

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