Maol Ruadh

A very big thank you to everyone for all the encouraging and kind comments about Caley's walk up Bohuntin Hill last night When you go up there you always have the place to yourself. It really is like living the dream when you get an evening like that.

It was back to reality on site up at Dingwall today. We had a brief technical hitch which gave me a lot of stress. I had unwittingly let a PAYG data sim expire. To be clear I hadn't used all the data I had paid for, far from it, but it cuts out regardless of usage after 30 days.The project was one which was most easily progressed if I could make a mobile internet connection for a few minutes. The same hand held device has wi fi so I was able to make the connection by setting my contract phone to a wi fi hot spot.

Mrs SJR has set something up now so that this wont happen again. I can only use 140mb (a contractural constraint from the GPS correction provider) per quarter but I have to pay for 250mb every month to maintain access to a connection when I may need it. It is still cheaper than a data contract sim.

Office day tomorrow and I may get to take Bob and Caley for a walk while the girls do their run.

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