Tiny October Traveler

We awoke Sunday morning to unexpected rain and drizzles. My husband wanted to go for a jog in the local gameland and I went hiking while he ran. I took along my camera, carefully tucked under my rain jacket to keep it from getting wet.

The colors of the autumn foliage almost look better in the rain sometimes. They get that slick, shiny look. The colors almost seem to glow. And so it was on this day.

On our way back down the hill, after the rain had slowed, we came across several tiny newts. This one had the brightest colors, so I stopped and snapped a few pictures, then heard a car coming, so I carefully moved it off the road to safety.

This tiny October traveler, no more than a half-inch to an inch long, was trudging along the road on a mission. I don't know where it was going, but it was making good progress getting there. I stopped for a moment just to wonder at the everyday bravery of such a tiny creature: so small in this world, so brave in its mission, moving right along . . .

I have often thought about what my spirit guide creature might be, and in the end, I might pick an amphibian for mine, as I absolutely adore them. They are creatures of great magic that live at the edges of things: creatures of the land, creatures of the water.

Tiny and colorful, like this little orange dude (dudette?) here: a mystic traveler guiding me on my journey through this world. Today's lesson? A path of beauty, walked with great bravery and purpose, one tiny step at a time.

The song: Dave Mason, Mystic Traveler. Yes, you can sing along if you like, and I will too . . . for freedom is our only cornerstone . . .

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