
By J0shua


As in departure and arrival. Because thats what is happening here, I will be deliberately mysterious and not tell you which is which.

So following from last weeks theme of photo experiences or "life lessons". Today was "go with the flow". I have no idea how I ended up here at circular quay or even taking photoa of the ferries.... it just happened.

After work I jumped on the first bus that arrived at the bus stop. Destination Milsons point, kool... hmm ok so lets goto Beulah Street Wharf; Well it didn't quite feel right so had time to get around to Kirribilli Wharf before sunset and maybe photos of fort Denison. As I approach a ferry arrives from the city, mental note this means ferry back to the city in about 15 minutes , ok so fort Denison... hmm no good, no separation between the island and its background (doh! - bad feature of crop sensors) Hmm oooh wow look at all those cranes in the sky and coloured sunset... click tick click tick tock ferry is coming, arrrr screw it lets jump on.... Kooool photos of bridge minutes after sunset and beautiful orange colours schweet... photos from a moving ferry at night never a guarantee for success. Ok so now I'm at the quay, hmmm lets walk around to the opera house and get photos luna park again like yesterday ... .... ....Ohhh a lift going up to a walkway (yes I was distracted within 5 seconds of making a decision) Up onto the Cahill expressway, atop of circular quay train station looking down at the ferry wharves and out to bridge-opera house.
Manly ferry arriving love how that leaves patterns in the water. Ok now I'm here and I realise a bunch of ferries are about to arrive and leave....... ok set camera longish exposure and let it take 30 photos, sit back for the next (30 x 30sec) so a few minutes to enjoy the show. Indeed I did as 7 ferries arrived and 6 departed.....

so here I am - "deparrival-ed"

Enjoy in LARGE

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