
Today my blip friends
Time is just for me to chill
Time to just be still

© ThingsBeautiful

Haiku no 2!

After such a busy and very long day yesterday this is what I need to do....not a lot...having a pj day (might pop out much later on) :)

I got the Maeve Binchy book and another 5 books from various people, plus Cotton Trader vouchers, and M&S vouchers together with this very yummy chocolate fridge cake! How appropriate to be given a PINK book for the Breast Cancer Awareness Challenge

I had a piece of the fridge cake with some coffee this morning, can you tell the cup was hot and melted the chocolate a bit :)

In other news, I have also been given some money for my birthday and am considering buying a Tablet. Any recommendations?

I thought about a Kindle Fire, but discovered this doesn't take pictures. Now I'm wondering about a SamSung Galaxy 7.... Is that a phone or a just a tablet, and are the photo's as good as a phone or better???

Thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday, I had a great day but was somewhat exhausted when I got home, so didn't get to your journals! Hope to catch up a bit today :)

Some more from the Natural History Museum visit yesterday are now on flickr

Happy Friday folks :)

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