Pink Experiment 1

Now the days are darker, I am constantly looking for different ways to take pictures. Nothing strange about this one. I used a roll of white card I've just bought and a spotlight shining through...which has reflected the pink. I think its quite effective :)

My kitchen light blew 2 days ago and I broke the fitting when I tried to replace the bulb yesterday :( It just came away in my hand with the bulb...I think I will have to see if a friend can fix it and if not it means an electrician which is most annoying!

In other news, I am so proud that I got a GOLD for my picture of Billy in the Camera School Pet Portrait this month...couldn't stop grinning when I found out last night :) Well done Billy for being so patient... and here he is on flickr :)

I set out at 8am to go to Sainsbury's and got home at almost 1pm after then visiting the town....absolutely exhausted and in pain too... (I did a big top up of tins and had forgotten that of course a trolley would be much harder to push with lots of tins in it, so its my own fault) Resting again is the order of the rest of the day I think, after I've put the shopping away :)

Oh yes, and This Lady is an inspiration to us all :)

Happy Saturday folks :)

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