
By lucia13

The doll who speaks with the moon!

Hello friends ! Thanks a lot for the nice comments about my roses in the moonlight. Glad you like it. I appreciate it very much.
Tonight I was observing the moon again! It was little cloud but some times the moon come to said hello to us. My little doll was speaking with the moon in the window so I saw her and I thought it can be a nice blip .
This is a special gift for me from one special nun who looked at after me very well when I was a child . She was like a mother to me. Unfortunately she was sick and died 3 years ago. One year before she gave me this doll that she hand-made herself so I love her and she will always will be with me. My little Rosa doll. (I put the name of the nun to her). She made me smile.
I am going to Blackpool today to spend the weekend . We will see the illuminations. They are so popular there so I hope I will post some pictures.. I have never seen them before. People said it is spectacular! Plus I will go to the football to see Wigan (my husband's team) against Blackpool. I hope we win!
I hope you enjoy it and smile too.
Have a nice weekend my lovely friends!

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