Festival in the rain

Ever since it began nine years ago, the Festival of World Cultures in Dún Laoghaire has happened over the final weekend in August, intended to coincide with the UK bank holiday and attract hordes of visitors across the Irish Sea from Holyhead. In all fairness, there's never been any way of knowing if this happens or doesn't, and it'll all be a moot oint next year anyway, since it's all moving to the end of July instead.

One thing's sure, though: the Festival creates a terrific atmosphere around the place, and is always worth making an effort to attend. We didn't actually get to anything on Saturday evening, but made up for that today -- well, once Kimi Raikkonnen had won the Belgian Grand Prix. There was an enjoyable crowd called Puck Fair on the garden stage in the Kingston Hotel in the afternoon, while Strictly a Swing Thing was even more enjoyable in Hardy's Bar in the Royal Marine Hotel in the evening.

Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate as much as the organisers would have liked, and there were times when sheltering was the better option. Thanks to Carl to spotting this blippable moment outside the People's Park where Art on Railings was going on.

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