family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

16 months

god i dislike this pic more than anything due to that dummy but this photo was so hard to take and this is all i got. he was having none of it hense why the board is propped up against his legs!

think this may be the last one with a sign but ill continue the monthly pics.

A little late but this is Calebs 16 month update.
He picked up a few new words that he likes to say all the time but is getting very good at coping words that you say. He loves telling the cat to either get down or get out (she doesn't listen)
He knows now where his feet are, what shoes are, where his nose is and where his teeth are.
Still loves food! But has cut down on the amount he eats, would rather be playing with a ball.
His latest ball trick is to sit facing a wall bouncing the ball to the wall and catching it, he can do it for ages!!
Obsessed with his dummy or 'nin nin' as he calls it (Don't know where that has come from)
He now has a few more songs that he sings along to and does actions
-Wheels on the bus
-Twinkle twinkle
-Wind the bobbing up
He has mastered the best frown! Don't know where that has come from!!

Back to the childminders today after 2 weeks away. Erin couldn't wait to see arlen and Hermione and the feeling was mutual :)
Caleb had a small melt down as I was due to leave but apparently that only lasted a couple of minutes.
They were both in a very cheery mood when I got there to pick them up. went on the Field as we left with Hermione and arlen and collected conkers, so glad Erin doesn't actually know what to do with them yet she was just excited that Hermione gave her one :)

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