The Makeover

We ended up in the pub yesterday afternoon, drinking a fine pint with an unfortunate name (buttcombe), oh how we laughed. We managed to get home in good time for an evening of terrible Saturday telly however which was probably a good thing.

Today has mainly been filled with rain, interspersed with brief interludes of no rain and trying to get stuff done.

After all that chopping yesterday I decided that this morning I would wander about the house like an octogenarian, wincing and sighing a lot. No need however with all the rain it was not really worth starting on the next load. I managed to stick a temporary repair on the leaky shed roof and get the chickens cleaned out so not a complete write off.

H's Mum brought over the 2014 Church Calendar, 4 of the 12 pictures are mine which I'm very pleased with, they even managed to spell my name correctly on 3 of them. I've been waiting for Getty images to call, they must have lost my number.

Jo, Ted and Louis popped over this afternoon for tea, cake and jolly japes. Poppy was in her element being the big cousin. Nice to see them all.

Then some guitar playing, I have a plan for a Christmas song which I need to get the rest of the band on board for. Clearly a risky move as I have to avoid cheese, and Christmas songs are festooned with cheese. I've been trying to put a Ramones twist on a cheesy classic, will they go for it? I'll tell you on Thursday.

Poppy decided to give H a makeover, it was so lovely to see her confidently using all the cosmetics (with a little instruction here and there). I was a little concerned it might all go a little 'Aunt Sally' however the results were excellent. Poppy and H were very pleased.


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